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40th High School House Completed

CMR and Great Falls High Students completed the 40th home built by high school students

NeighborWorks Great Falls and Great Falls Public Schools celebrated the completion of the 2018 High School House yesterday with students, teachers, and the support of many community members. This year Great Falls High and CMR Students worked together to build the home. Students from both schools worked throughout the school year to build the home from the ground up located at 2108 6 th Ave South. Interior design students choose the finishings of the home. Each year, four students, two from CMR and two from Great Falls High are chosen as Student Builder of the Year and Design Student of the Year. This year’s winners from CMR included Joel Lorang as Student Builder of the Year and Teagan Tabacco as Design Student of the Year. Great Falls High winners included Thain Johnson as Builder of the Year, and Brynn Dart as Design Student of the Year. All four students received a plaque for their accomplishment and $100. Great Falls Public Schools’ Student Culinary Program also participated by providing appetizers and desserts for open house guests. NeighborWorks would like to thank the many community partners involved in making this project possible year after year.

About The High School House Program

NeighborWorks Great Falls was founded in 1980 with a mission to revitalize the city’s historic neighborhoods, provide affordable housing and help residents become first-time homebuyers. A primary strategy in our work is collaboration with local partners, and one of the most significant examples of this is our High School House program.

NeighborWorks Great Falls joined forces with Great Falls public schools to create the program, which provides new homes for residents with low or moderate incomes and gives high school students valuable employment skills. The students provide the labor while NeighborWorks supplies the lot, arranges subcontractors and finances the construction. We also work with potential homebuyers to get them mortgage-ready with homebuyer education, individual homeownership planning and down payment assistance through a matched savings program.

For more information on the High School House program:

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