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The Promise of Home; NWGF and Family Promise Partner to House a Family in Need.

NeighborWorks Great Falls (NWGF) and Family Promise of Great Falls have partnered together to provide a family of five facing eviction a place to call home. NWGF provided the renovated home, while Family Promise worked with a family who was struggling to find a place to live after their previous rental home was sold.

NWGF has helped remove or renovate over 500 blighted properties in the community. This home needed extensive foundation repair which required NeighborWorks to do a complete renovation. Once completed, the small 3-bedroom 2-bath home was ideal for creating an affordable rental opportunity. Now known affectionately as the “Promise House,” the collaboration with Family Promise will create an opportunity for a family struggling to rent a home they can afford. NWGF sees creating more opportunities for single-family residences as a step in the right direction when it comes to addressing some of the housing struggles in Great Falls. NWGF is looking for additional property to be able to create a similar opportunity for another local family.

Upstairs bathroom before and after the rehab.

One of the upstairs bedrooms.

“We were incredibly excited when NeighborWorks approached us with this opportunity,” said Greg Grosenick, Executive Director for Family Promise Great Falls. “It had been a rough summer trying to find housing for our families, but in this case, the timing worked out perfectly. This family was literally days away from facing homelessness. We look forward to continuing our partnership with NeighborWorks and finding affordable housing options for the struggling families of our community.”

The mission of Family Promise is to help families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. In 2022, Family Promise assisted 60 families and 128 children with various services to ensure families facing homelessness did not become homeless, and homeless families received shelter and a chance to gain stability. One of Family Promise’s goals for 2023 is to locate additional shelter space due to the limited availability of multiple-bedroom rentals.

Sherrie and Greg for a KRTV interview about the Promise House

“I had the opportunity to volunteer with Family Promise and see the impact and importance of their program firsthand,” said Sherrie Arey, NWGF’s Executive Director. “These families are working hard to turn around the life circumstances that created the struggle for having a home. A home for a family of five to rent is difficult in the best of times, we hope to see this partnership grow and help more families.”

Both NeighborWorks Great Falls and Family Promise are dedicated to changing the future, one home at a time. This partnership is changing the life of this family and these children. To learn more about the organizations and their mission, visit and

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