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D.A. Davidson and Employees Donate $100,000 to NeighborWorks

Local Financial Services Company, D.A. Davison has donated $100,000 to benefit the NeighborWorks Endowment. $50,000 was given from a group of employees, followed by a $50,000 gift from the company. This gift is in addition to their generous giving to NeighborWorks annual campaign.

This gift will help four families per year into homeownership, forever. These four families every year will have greater security and stability, greater education outcomes for their children, and so much more - all stemming from this gift. NeighborWorks Great Falls’ Executive Director, Sherrie Arey, applauds Davidson for their generosity and encouragement of employees to give “We have a long history of giving from D.A. Davidson as a company. I commend their organization for encouraging philanthropy through these donations and seeing the value in our work as an organization”.

In regards to D.A. Davidson’s decision to contribute to the NeighborWorks’ Endowment, Larry Martinez, President of D.A. Davidson Companies stated “The firm and its employees are pleased to support the NeighborWorks Endowment and their continued efforts to build a stronger Great Falls community. We applaud the home ownership programs that have improved our local neighborhoods”.

Donations to NeighborWorks not only help families attain homeownership, but decrease blight in neighborhoods and increase community engagement. The long term economic benefit of NeighborWorks Great Falls’ work increases the local economy, through new construction, realtor commissions, and property taxes - it increases the probability for more stable and secure employees for Great Falls businesses – which in turn benefit the community as a whole.

About NeighborWorks Great Falls’ Endowment: The NeighborWorks’ Endowment will allow NeighborWorks Great Falls to provide homes and mortgages, plus education and planning to create successful homeowners for years to come, despite rapidly shrinking federal funds. An endowment creates an income stream for the future that assures good work can continue, regardless of the variations of federal and foundation funding. Certain charitable donations will qualify for the Montana endowment income tax credit and can be made in a variety of forms. All contributions quality for the Federal and State charitable income tax deduction. For more information, please visit

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