Prescription drug abuse remains the number one drug problem in Cascade County, and as such, brings unwanted crime to our neighborhoods. To address this issue, NeighborWorks Great Falls 2010 Community Leadership team formed Operation Medicine Cabinet: Central Montana.
Operation Medicine Cabinet: Central Montana brings together local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and community groups to address Cascade County’s most serious drug problem: Abuse of prescription drugs. In addition, the program diverts over one ton (2000 pounds) of expired and/or unwanted prescription drugs from the landfill and our water supply!
The Montana Highway Patrol has a through the wall drop box where citizens can drop off their unwanted or expired prescription drugs 24/7, no questions asked. The Drop Box is located behind Dante's at the Montana Highway Patrol Office:812 - 14th Street North Great Falls, MT 59401 406-453-1121
For more information please visit the Department of Justice Website by clicking here.
